Content types
Content types
- <angle>
Angles are specified in one of two ways. When used in the value of a property in a stylesheet, an <angle> is defined as follows:
angle ::= number (~"deg" | ~"grad" | ~"rad")?
where deg indicates degrees, grad indicates grads and rad indicates radians.
For properties defined in CSS2, an angle unit identifier must be provided. For angle values in SVG-specific properties and their corresponding presentation attributes, the angle unit identifier is optional. If not provided, the angle value is assumed to be in degrees. In presentation attributes for all properties, whether defined in SVG1.1 or in CSS2, the angle identifier, if specified, must be in lower case.
When angles are used in an SVG attribute, <angle> is instead defined as follows:
angle ::= number ("deg" | "grad" | "rad")?
The unit identifiers in such <angle> values