Manual: Generalized Estimating Equations

Generalized Estimating Equations

Generalized Estimating Equations estimate generalized linear models for panel, cluster or repeated measures data when the observations are possibly correlated withing a cluster but uncorrelated across clusters. It supports estimation of the same one-parameter exponential families as Generalized Linear models (GLM).

See Module Reference for commands and arguments.


The following illustrates a Poisson regression with exchangeable correlation within clusters using data on epilepsy seizures.

In [1]: import statsmodels.api as sm

In [2]: import statsmodels.formula.api as smf

In [3]: data = sm.datasets.get_rdataset('epil', package='MASS').data

In [4]: fam = sm.families.Poisson()

In [5]: ind = sm.cov_struct.Exchangeable()

In [6]: mod = smf.gee("y ~ ag