Datatypes In SQLite version 2

Datatypes In SQLite version 2

Datatypes In SQLite Version 2

1.0 Typelessness

SQLite is "typeless". This means that you can store any kind of data you want in any column of any table, regardless of the declared datatype of that column. (See the one exception to this rule in section 2.0 below.) This behavior is a feature, not a bug. A database is supposed to store and retrieve data and it should not matter to the database what format that data is in. The strong typing system found in most other SQL engines and codified in the SQL language spec is a misfeature - it is an example of the implementation showing through into the interface. SQLite seeks to overcome this misfeature by allowing you to store any kind of data into any kind of column and by allowing flexibility in the specification of datatypes.

A datatype to SQLite is any sequence of zero or more names optionally followed by a parenthesized lists of one or two signed integer