Matchers can be passed as arguments to spy.calledOn
, spy.calledWith
, spy.returned
and the corresponding sinon.assert
functions as well as spy.withArgs
. Matchers allow to be either more fuzzy or more specific about the expected value.
"test should assert fuzzy": function () { var book = { pages: 42, author: "cjno" id: { isbn10: "0596517742", isbn13: "978-0596517748" } }; var spy = sinon.spy(); spy(book); sinon.assert.calledWith(spy, sinon.match({ author: "cjno" })); sinon.assert.calledWith(spy, sinon.match.has("pages", 42)); sinon.assert.calledWith(spy, sinon.match.has("id", sinon.match.has("isbn13", "978-0596517748"))); }
"test should stub method differently based on argument types": function () { var callback = sinon.stub