

Matchers can be passed as arguments to spy.calledOn, spy.calledWith, spy.returned and the corresponding sinon.assert functions as well as spy.withArgs. Matchers allow to be either more fuzzy or more specific about the expected value.

"test should assert fuzzy": function () {
    var book = {
        pages: 42,
        author: "cjno"
        id: {
          isbn10: "0596517742",
          isbn13: "978-0596517748"
    var spy = sinon.spy();


    sinon.assert.calledWith(spy, sinon.match({ author: "cjno" }));
    sinon.assert.calledWith(spy, sinon.match.has("pages", 42));
    sinon.assert.calledWith(spy, sinon.match.has("id", sinon.match.has("isbn13", "978-0596517748")));
"test should stub method differently based on argument types": function () {
    var callback = sinon.stub