

OpenTSDB implements a very simple plugin model to extend the application. Plugins use the service and service provider facilities built into Java 1.6 that allows for dynamically loading JAR files and instantiating plugin implementations after OpenTSDB has been started. While not as flexible as many framework implementations, all we need to do is load a plugin on startup, initialize the implementation, and start passing data to or through it.

To create a plugin, all you have to do is extend one of the abstract plugin classes, write a service description/manifest, compile, drop your JAR (along with any dependencies needed) into the OpenTSDB plugin folder, edit the TSD config and restart. That's all there is to it. No fancy frameworks, no worrying about loading and unloading at strange times, etc.


A plugin JAR requires a manifest with a special services folder and file to enable the 登录查看完整内容