8.2.28. _gfortran_caf_co_reduce
8.2.28 _gfortran_caf_co_reduce — Generic collective reduction
- Description:
- Calculates the for the each array element of the variable a the reduction value for that element in the current team; if result_image has the value 0, the result shall be stored on all images, otherwise, only on the specified image. The opr is a pure function doing a mathematically commutative and associative operation.
The opr_flags denote the following; the values are bitwise ored.
(1) if the result should be returned by value;GFC_CAF_HIDDENLEN
(2) whether the result and argument string lengths shall be specified as hidden argument;GFC_CAF_ARG_VALUE
(4) whether the arguments shall be passed by value,GFC_CAF_ARG_DESC
(8) whether the arguments shall be passed by descriptor. - Syntax:
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