11. Orber Interceptors
11 Orber Interceptors
11.1 Using Interceptors
For Inter-ORB communication, e.g., via IIOP
, it is possible to intercept requests and replies. To be able to use Interceptors
Orber the configuration parameter interceptors
must be defined.
Configure Orber to Use Interceptors
The configuration parameter interceptors
must be defined, e.g., as command line option:
erl -orber interceptors "{native, ['myInterceptor']}"
It is possible to use more than one interceptor; simply add them to the list and they will be invoked in the same order as they appear in the list.
One can also active and deactivate an interceptor during run-time, but this will only affect currently existing connections. For more information, consult Orber's Reference Manual regarding the operations 登录查看完整内容