function poll_view_results
poll_view_results($node, $view_mode, $block = FALSE)
Generates a graphical representation of the results of a poll.
- modules/poll/poll.module, line 809
- Enables your site to capture votes on different topics in the form of multiple choice questions.
function poll_view_results($node, $view_mode, $block = FALSE) { // Make sure that choices are ordered by their weight. uasort($node->choice, 'drupal_sort_weight'); // Count the votes and find the maximum. $total_votes = 0; $max_votes = 0; foreach ($node->choice as $choice) { if (isset($choice['chvotes'])) { $total_votes += $choice['chvotes']; $max_votes = max($max_votes, $choice['chvotes']); } } $poll_results = ''; foreach ($node->choice as $i