Migrate to Engine 1.10
Migrate to Engine 1.10
Starting from version 1.10 of Docker Engine, we completely change the way image data is addressed on disk. Previously, every image and layer used a randomly assigned UUID. In 1.10 we implemented a content addressable method using an ID, based on a secure hash of the image and layer data.
The new method gives users more security, provides a built-in way to avoid ID collisions and guarantee data integrity after pull, push, load, or save. It also brings better sharing of layers by allowing many images to freely share their layers even if they didn’t come from the same build.
Addressing images by their content also lets us more easily detect if something has already been downloaded. Because we have separated images and layers, you don’t have to pull the configurations for every image that was part of the original build chain. We also don’t need to create layers for the build instructions that didn’t modify the filesystem.