Installation on Ubuntu (Engine)


Docker is supported on these Ubuntu operating systems:

  • Ubuntu Wily 15.10
  • Ubuntu Trusty 14.04 (LTS)
  • Ubuntu Precise 12.04 (LTS)

This page instructs you to install using Docker-managed release packages and installation mechanisms. Using these packages ensures you get the latest release of Docker. If you wish to install using Ubuntu-managed packages, consult your Ubuntu documentation.

Note: Ubuntu Utopic 14.10 and 15.04 exist in Docker’s APT repository but are no longer officially supported.


Docker requires a 64-bit installation regardless of your Ubuntu version. Additionally, your kernel must be 3.10 at minimum. The latest 3.10 minor version or a newer maintained version are also acceptable.

Kernels older than 3.10 lack some of the features required to run Docker containers. These older versions