docker-compose run


Usage: run [options] [-e KEY=VAL...] SERVICE [COMMAND] [ARGS...]

-d                    Detached mode: Run container in the background, print
                          new container name.
--name NAME           Assign a name to the container
--entrypoint CMD      Override the entrypoint of the image.
-e KEY=VAL            Set an environment variable (can be used multiple times)
-u, --user=""         Run as specified username or uid
--no-deps             Don't start linked services.
--rm                  Remove container after run. Ignored in detached mode.
-p, --publish=[]      Publish a container's port(s) to the host
--service-ports       Run command with the service's ports enabled and mapped to the host.
-T                    Disable pseudo-tty allocation. By default `docker-compose run` allocates a TTY.

Runs a one-time command against a service. For example, the following command starts the web service and runs bash登录查看完整内容