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The offset-rotate CSS property defines the direction of the element while positioning along the offset path.

If 'auto' is given to offset-rotate, the element rotates in the direction of the path defined with /g, ">"); s = s.replace(/ /g, " "); s = s.replace(/\'/g, "'"); s = s.replace(/\"/g, """); s = s.replace(/\n/g, "
"); return s; } function HTMLDeCode(str){ var s = ""; if(str.length == 0) return ""; s = str.replace(/&/g, "&"); s = s.replace(/</g, "<"); s = s.replace(/>/g, ">"); s = s.replace(/ /g, " "); s = s.replace(/'/g, "\'"); s = s.replace(/"/g, "\""); s = s.replace(/
/g, "\n"); s = s.replace(/–/g, "-"); return s; } function prevnext(kename){ // 上一篇 下一篇 var el = $(this); var prevel = {}; var nextel = {}; var tlist = $("#nestable_handbook .dd-item[data-id][ismenu!=1]"); for(var i=0; i0){ prevel = $(tlist[i-1]); }else{ prevel = $(); } if(i .dd-content a").text(); $(".previous-link > a").attr({"data-id":prevel.attr("data-id"),"khash":prevel.attr("khash"),"title":pretitle}).text(pretitle); $(".previous-link").show(); $(".navigation-prev").attr({"data-id":prevel.attr("data-id"),"khash":prevel.attr("khash"),"title":pretitle}); $(".navigation-prev").show(); } if(nextel.length < 1){ $(".next-link").hide(); $(".navigation-next").hide(); }else{ var nexttitle = nextel.find(" > .dd-content a").text(); $('.next-link > a').attr({"data-id":nextel.attr("data-id"),"khash":nextel.attr("khash"),"title":nexttitle}).text(nexttitle); $(".next-link").show(); $(".navigation-next").attr({"data-id":nextel.attr("data-id"),"khash":nextel.attr("khash"),"title":nexttitle}); $(".navigation-next").show(); } } // 通过JSON格式的数据生成目录树 function generateTree(data) { let result = ""; for(let i=0; i`; if(data[i].ismenu == '1'){ result += `

`; }else{ result += ` `; if(data[i].child && data[i].child.length > 0) { // 如果子元素存在并且数量大于0 result += '
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