Find Boost include dirs and libraries
Use this module by invoking find_package with the form:
find_package(Boost [version] [EXACT] # Minimum or EXACT version e.g. 1.36.0 [REQUIRED] # Fail with error if Boost is not found [COMPONENTS <libs>...] # Boost libraries by their canonical name ) # e.g. "date_time" for "libboost_date_time"
This module finds headers and requested component libraries OR a CMake package configuration file provided by a “Boost CMake” build. For the latter case skip to the “Boost CMake” section below. For the former case results are reported in variables:
Boost_FOUND - True if headers and requested libraries were found Boost_INCLUDE_DIRS - Boost include directories Boost_LIBRARY_DIRS - Link directories for Boost libraries Boost_LIBRARIES - Boost compone